Monday, December 20, 2010

An English Yo-yo

As I mentioned in the previous post, I have been house sitting here in England. We had been shopping for  the staples... milk, eggs, bacon, bread, vegemite, chocolate ... but I neglected to buy butter for baking - what on earth was I thinking?
As a result, when I baked yo-yos to take up the hill for another afternoon tea, I had to use the 'low fat, olive oil based spread' I had here in the fridge. Mmmmm?!

The yo-yos baked well but as one might expect, they weren't yellow, and had a very bland taste! I think they were saved by the very lemon-y icing I stuck them together with!

Still, we all ate them. We did have to explain to the 12 yr old English friend what a yo-yo was, but once she gathered they were a little like a shortbread, she too ate hers with gusto!

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